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Copper Price

SeIect the time interval for which you need to display the copper stock market values.

To offer you a correct visualization of the data in the chart, if you seIect a period of time greater than 120 days, only the Average of the Month will be shown (in € and in $). If you seIect a range less than 120 days, you can see the four charts.

Legend chart:
Valor diario $
Valor diario €
Media del mes $
Media del mes €

The Daily Value € and Daily Value $ charts show the daily stock market values. 

The Average of the Month € and the Average of the Month $ charts show the actual averages of the month, if this one has already finished. If it is still in progress, they will show the averages based on the days that have gone by within that period, so these data will only show approximated values until the end of the month.

The information offered is neither binding nor necessarily accurate, so the user of the same shall hold no liability against Miguélez S.L.

the time interval for which you need to display the copper stock market values.

DATE $ /Tm Cu € /Tm Cu $/€ DATE $ /Tm Cu € /Tm Cu $/€
16/01/2025 9.135,00 8.893,11 1,0272 31/12/2024 8.706,00 8.375,99 1,0394
15/01/2025 9.020,00 8.758,13 1,0299 30/12/2024 8.833,00 8.453,44 1,0449
14/01/2025 9.016,00 8.797,81 1,0248 27/12/2024 8.843,00 8.477,61 1,0431
13/01/2025 8.980,00 8.801,33 1,0203 24/12/2024 8.847,50 8.513,76 1,0392
10/01/2025 8.995,50 8.729,26 1,0305 23/12/2024 8.838,00 8.502,98 1,0394
09/01/2025 8.960,50 8.697,83 1,0302 20/12/2024 8.793,00 8.462,13 1,0391
08/01/2025 8.847,00 8.604,36 1,0282 19/12/2024 8.795,50 8.462,91 1,0393
07/01/2025 8.886,00 8.552,45 1,0390 18/12/2024 8.905,50 8.489,51 1,0490
06/01/2025 8.893,50 8.546,51 1,0406 17/12/2024 8.851,50 8.430,80 1,0499
03/01/2025 8.701,00 8.450,85 1,0296 16/12/2024 8.932,00 8.510,72 1,0495
02/01/2025 8.685,50 8.417,81 1,0318

The stock market values are expressed in US dollars or euros per metric ton of copper.

The information offered is neither binding nor necessarily accurate, so the user of the same shall hold no liability against Miguélez S.L.

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